Note: I'm currently dealing with a family medical emergency and am unable to work normal hours. You'll see guest articles and a lower volume of stories here (and on our social media accounts) and no coverage of breaking news until I return to Portland. Thanks for your understanding and support!
- Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

BikePortland Job Listings

Whether you need to fill a job or find a job, you’ve come to right place.

Find a Job

BikePortland is the place to find great jobs in the bike world and beyond. Whether you’re looking to get a foot-in-the-door of the bike industry, take a step up in your field, or just get a fresh start — we’ve connected hundreds of people with new careers in the transportation industry.

Check out the latest listings.
You can also sign up for our email to get the listings sent right to your inbox.

Post a Job ($100 per listing)

Thousands of smart and creative people read BikePortland every day — and not just Portlanders! We post listings from all over the country because savvy people know we’ve built a large audience and our reach goes way beyond the Pacific Northwest. Just $100 per listing.

Simply put: Your listing will gain maximum exposure to a targeted audience.

Each listing is:

➤ Posted on our Jobs page.
➤ Featured in our Jobs of the Week post each Friday.
➤ Broadcasted to our @BikePortland Twitter account w 30,000 followers that gets 200,000+ impressions per week.
➤ Emailed to 400+ subscribers to our Job Listings email list.

A few other things to keep in mind:

➤ All jobs run until filled.
➤ Only one job per listing.

If you have any questions please contact us.

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